New York State
College Options
New York State is home to great colleges, universities, vocational, trade, and technical schools. Staying in your state means you are eligible for in-state tuition and state aid. With so many options, make sure to apply to colleges that are a good match for you.

City University of New York (CUNY) is the nation’s leading urban public university. The University comprises 25 institutions: 11 senior colleges, seven community colleges. There is at least 1 CUNY school that meets your goals! Here is the admissions profile.
Need help with your CUNY application? Click on the Welcome Center link below.

The State University of New York (SUNY) is the largest comprehensive university system in the United States. There are 64 institutions. There is at least 1 SUNY campus to meet your goals! Click below if you want to visit the Admissions Page. Need help with your SUNY application? Click on the SUNY link below.

There are more than 100 private colleges and universities in New York. Click link below for full listing. 52 private schools participate in the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP).
Sandy is the Assistant Director of Training at OPTIONS Goddard Riverside Community Center. She has been providing college access support for 20 years. Hear Sandy share the common pitfalls students make.
Tips and links
Don't Forget!
May 1st is National College Decision Day
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